
i'm constantly losing bookmarks. for the most part i fashion them from stickers my friend matthew made and gave to me in a large quantity when i visited him in salt lake city in 2015. the stickers say "I DON'T KNOW WHAT AMERICA IS" and are around .75 inches by 2.5 inches. i make the bookmarks by cutting the sticker in half and removing the sticker from the glossy paper it's adhered to. then i use the glossy paper, around .75 inches by 1.25 inches, as a bookmark. i'm constantly losing these. i was, however, given so many stickers to begin with that it's hardly posed a problem. sometimes i'll use a small receipt from a bodega as a bookmark, or, when i'm volunteering as a cashier at the park slope food coop, i'll press the "feed" button on the receipt printer and rip off a small piece of blank paper. these wear a lot quicker than the glossy paper from the stickers, though, because the receipt paper is much softer and thinner, thus frailer

do they still have massage chairs like how they were popular in the nineties? leather chairs, sometimes recliners, with electronics and moving parts that are meant to "massage" the sitter? both 'seinfeld' and 'frasier' had episodes that revolved around the purchase of one. they had them at malls, and they could be coin-operated. they actually had one at the laundromat my girlfriend and i frequented from 2012 to 2013, but i haven't seen one, that i can remember, since

i've been sort of revisiting 'frasier.' i don't know how long this will last. i watched almost the entire series in 2015, save for the final episode, which was the second half of a two-part episode. i'd just gotten out of a relationship (not the one with the laundromat girlfriend), and also my friend had just died from an od, and i didn't want the show to end

in season one episode fourteen, frasier says, "for the record, i am not a perv." in season one episode fifteen, daphne goes to a bar called "the topaz room." when i was living on montrose avenue with conor and miles and, at the very end, erik, a bar opened on our block called "the topaz." it looked bougie and out of place and was directly next to a bar we regularly drank at. after a few months passed and none of us had attempted to stop in, we three made a deal that the first person to enter the establishment would pay the other three fifty dollars each. as far as i know, still none of us has been inside the topaz. supposedly they have a weekly open mic

in another episode (i didn't write down which one) daphne comes out of the kitchen carrying a tray with a six-pack of ballantines on it. that's kind of funny

it's nice to sometimes eat a half a bagel with just plain cream cheese, instead of having any fix-ins. same with butter. also, why did they stop releasing albums on tuesdays? weren't fridays good enough already without that? didn't releasing music on tuesdays kind of "break up the week" and make it into a day people could occasionally look forward to? and the term "bitchin'," where did that go?

i've been waiting for my literary agent to get back to me about selling my novel to this one particular editor. not sure how long or to what end these kind of processes take/go... just typing this... don't really have a thought other than impatience

a different thing that's been on my mind: have reporters been dropping these bombshell sexual misconduct stories centered around information that's been around for years a few days after mass shootings to obfuscate/overshadow gun control legislation and distract people from the constancy of mass murder under pressure of the government, or for some other reason? in las vegas, fifty-eight people were killed; nine days later, the new york times published the harvey weinstein story. in sutherland springs, twenty-six people were killed; four days later, the new york times published the louis c.k. story. i guess it might not have anything to do with guns, just distraction from scary stuff in general. like the terrorist attack in new york, re which the governor called for more cops on the streets, which, in my estimation, could not possibly have done (nor will do, in the future) anything to prevent someone from driving a rented truck through a bike lane, and into pedestrians

on the roof of the apartment next to mine, separated by a very narrow alley, there was a small black cat lying in the sun. i tried to bring this to the attention of my cat, and she looked in its direction, but i don't know if she recognized what i wanted her to, or would care if she had. the cat is no longer there on the roof. i wonder where it went

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