
yesterday, which was monday, katie and i went to moma ps1. there, on exhibition, were some of the works carolee schneemann and cathy wilkes. i preferred the schneemann to the wilkes. for katie, the opposite was true. we're calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend again. there was also a room exhibiting a smaller collection of work by an artist whose name i forgot. of the things on display in the museum, i liked his the best. his name is alvaro barrington. i just looked into it, and i feel like i'll forget again soon

later, we ate pot edibles and watched tv. i cooked beans with a lot of things and we ate them with tortillas. we watched 'frasier,' 'curb your enthusiasm,' 'titanic' and 'gilmore girls.' i cut up pieces of a chocolate bar and sprinkled them in our popcorn. then we shared an apple. sometime after that we ate raisin bran

i recommend the story "virility" by cynthia ozick. it appears in her first collection, 'the pagan rabbi and other stories' (1971), and i wasn't able to find any information about if it was originally published in a magazine or journal, or when that might have been. anyone with this information is encouraged to share it... i think i like stories with a "twist." i don't know that i like this quality in myself, but in "virility" it's, like superlative in its handling of a plot-thing like that. even just slightly, it's more complex. in college i wrote a story, and andrew didn't like the ending, so i changed the ending to a non-sequitur. it was almost, like, magical... mystical. andrew liked this version. i based it off what i remember of something gordon lish does in a story in... i want to say it's in 'mourner at the door' (1988). it's a story with a talking dog in it

two days ago, i picked up katie at the airport. we ate chana saag at the indian restaurant under her apartment and saw 'lady bird' (2017) at bam. i didn't expect to like it. the movie is greta gerwig's writer-directorial debut, which, unduly, i feel, caused me to a feel an aversion toward it. i hated 'frances ha' (2012) when it came out. i wrote a scathing review for htmlgiant about how it was a lie. i haven't seen it since, but when i think about it, i still take issue with that movie. the character is lazy and undeveloped and everything is resolved for her in, like, a deus ex machina-esque montage scene at the end. i had liked 'mistress america' (2015), though, it reminded me of a stage play, and i suppose i'd tried to submerge my good memory of it in order to maintain my negative position re gerwig. it's kind of wonderful when i have my heart set against something to be proven wrong. very humbling, makes me stop trusting myself, interesting feeling. anyway, 'lady bird' seemed to me like it was going to be about teenage platitudes, and it sort of was, but in a way that felt honest in a surprisingly stark, simple way. it was very emotional, family and coming-of-age stuff, but i found myself engaged and entertained, which seems rare in general. i was very tired and cried a lot. in high school, i downloaded 'baghead' (2008) and 'nights and weekends' (2008). i remember really enjoying both of those movies. overall, i think gerwig is cool. i feel like the reason i was resisting 'lady bird,' if i'm being completely honest with myself, has something to do with societally-ingrained sexism. for instance, in proofreading this post, i discovered i'd originally typed "his first collection" about the ozick book. considering this makes me worry about preferring the male artist's stuff at moma ps1 to the other stuff, but i don't think that was the case, in that case. still... i'm problematic. katie suggested i attribute the faults i found in gerwig re 'greenberg' (2010) and 'frances ha' to noah baumbach, which i was already somewhat doing but will make sure to do with more aplomb from here forward. hanging out with them (baumbach and gerwig) as a couple, i imagine, would be insufferable

katie and i split a white fish sandwich and matzoh ball soup. i forgot to ask katie what she thought of white fish, or if she'd eaten it before. matzah brei was misspelled on the menu as "brie" and katie pronounced it like that and thought maybe it was like something with matzah and brie, melted brie, if i remember correctly, which actually sounds pretty good. the lady sitting next to us listened to a lot of our conversation i think. she chimed in about the matzah brei thing, and she maybe reacted (via laugh-snorting) when i talked about how my uncle had mentioned how he was happy he voted for trump in his eulogy for my grandmother last summer

i did healthcare stuff. i should make some phone calls next week. might change my internet from optimum to verizon fios. if optimum is reading this, please make my bill lower and i won't switch

what else, what else...

we listened to 'either/or' (1997) by elliott smith in the car. i didn't include a parenthesized "1997" following 'titanic' earlier because it didn't seem to fit in that sentence stylistically, nor does it strike me that people would be interested to know what year that movie was released, due to its cultural ubiquity. currently, i'm stoned

while driving through park slope today, a cop was going very slowly two cars ahead of me. i regarded him, to myself, as a "pig fuck"... no snitching...

going to drive to massachusetts in the morning for thanksgiving stuff. i'm picking up katie from a gallery in the morning and we're leaving from there. minutes ago, she texted me "bring a blank CD tomorrow ? i’ll make a car mix?" i wonder if that means she's going to burn the cd while we're driving in the car. i really hope that's what it means

no snitching...

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